30 November 2012

Taking it easy

I'm posting this video that I really appreciated after having seen it on Dave's blog and now Scott's. It's just the usual stuff showing a runner ranting and raving about his injuries:

It's the Conflans 15km race tomorrow and there should be a good turnout from the club. Nico is pretending to be ill, preparing his excuses early prior to the race.

My objectives for the race are here, in order of priority :

i) Beat 56 minutes. 55:XX is a good time for me and looking at past results and the times of runners who achieved this, I think that it's a feasible proposal.

ii) Beat Fréd Poirier. He's beaten me over the past 2 years by a few seconds and despite his improvement this year, he is the man to beat for me.

iii) Get on the veteran podium. This is ambitious and depends on the field that turns up tomorrow.

iv) Beat Nico. This is my last opportunity (bar Houilles but I don't particularly appreciate this race) to claw back a race victory over Nico this year. He's feigning illness but if he turns up, he will push it hard to the end, even having run Florence marathon last Sunday.


Nicolas said...

I've played tennis during lunch time, even if it's not perfect, things are going better...

James said...

Good to hear. I want to beat you fair and square after all...